What if another widespread Internet outage happens?

Commentary: What if another widespread Internet outage happens?

Benjamin Ang and Bryan Tan

Channel News Asia 

14 Jun 2021 

Societies have become more reliant on Internet connection for work, play and life, making us more vulnerable to another Fastly outage incident or worse, a cyberattack, say Bryan Tan and Benjamin Ang.

SINGAPORE: If you noticed that your favourite websites were not working on Tuesday (Jun 8) evening, the reason may appear strange at first.

Fastly, a company previously unknown to most people outside the tech industry, apparently made a configuration error in its systems, and as a result, websites and apps that rely on Fastly’s service – including big names like Amazon, Reddit, New York Times, CNN, BBC, PayPal, Spotify, the UK Government – became unavailable to customers.

Read the whole Commentary at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/internet-outage-fastly-cnd-server-how-did-it-happen-websites-14993846
