8 December 2020
This session was organized by Lets Talk Cyber to provide an opportunity for the multi-stakeholder community to brief UN Member States on existing and emerging cyber threats, with a focus on those most likely to impact international peace and security.
Presentations addressed the following questions:
1. What cyber/ICT related activities do you assess to be the biggest threat to international peace and security?
2. With respect to the draft “Existing and Emerging Threats” section of the OEWG pre-draft report, are there any notable omissions, additions, or statements with which you support or disagree?
Benjamin Ang, Senior Fellow and Head of CENS Cyber Homeland Defence, speaks on the panel from 0:46. Watch the video at https://letstalkcyber.org/events/let-s-talk-cyber-2020-existing-and-emerging-threats
The objective of the Informal Multi-stakeholder Virtual Dialogue Series is to support the ongoing discussions at the UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) in the context of international security. Taking place in a new virtual format, it is an informal event at the initiative of the multi-stakeholder community and a number of UN member states. The dialogue series is intended to complement the OEWG, but it is not a formal part of the OEWG process.
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