Seeking Wisdom Of The Crowd: Innovation And Trust-Building In A Pandemic

Jennifer Yang Hui
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, digital technologies have been used creatively to solve coronavirus-related problems in many parts of the world. Combining the efficient management of traditional, top-down processes with the advantages of bottom-up innovation and inventiveness, crowdsourcing (the open call for ideas, innovation and solutions) illustrates technology’s capacity as an enabler for collective efforts. 
Effectively harnessing of the wisdom of the crowd makes efficient use of the digital space’s dispersed communication style by allowing social media participants to play the dominant role. Crowdsourcing during the COVID-19 pandemic not only encourages innovation but could potentially build public trust, enabling leaders to demonstrate that they value and desire citizen input.
Read more at the Source:Seeking Wisdom Of The Crowd: Innovation And Trust-Building In A Pandemic
Jennifer Yang Hui, “Seeking Wisdom Of The Crowd: Innovation And Trust-Building In A Pandemic”, Eurasia Review, 29 May 2020
