Smart Nation, but Will We Be Secure?

Smart Nation, but Will We Be Secure?

CENS / Op-Eds
14 OCTOBER 2016

Source:The Straits Times
Shashi Jayakumar, and Benjamin Ang, “Smart Nation, but Will We Be Secure?”, The Straits Times, 14 October 2016
Cyber security is a challenge, as everyone plays a part, not just the Government. Consider cyber drills, akin to fire drills, to sensitise people to online threats.
The launch this week of Singapore's Cyber-security Strategy by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong marks a milestone in Singapore's cyber development and aspirations.
The pillars of the strategy - building a resilient infrastructure, creating a safer cyberspace, developing a vibrant cyber-security ecosystem, and strengthening international partnerships - bring definition and much-needed clarity to Singapore's trajectory in this arena. But while the unveiling of the strategy marks a milestone, challenges lie ahead.
