Embracing Technology to Boost National Security

Embracing Technology to Boost National Security

CENS / Op-Eds
22 DECEMBER 2016

Norman Vasu and Benjamin Ang, ‘Embracing Technology to Boost National Security’, Today, 22 December 2016.

Source:Embracing Technology to Boost National Security
Norman Vasu, and Benjamin Ang, “Embracing Technology to Boost National Security”, Today, 22 December 2016
Technology brings convenience even as it exposes societies to a wide array of risks. Many national security issues Singapore may face will emanate from the fact that our lives have fused with technology. Smartphones have become an extension of our brains, our devices watch our behaviour as much as we watch them, and social media influences what we believe to be true. This technological genie can neither be put back into the bottle, nor should we attempt to be Luddites and avoid progress. As such, it behoves us to be aware of the possible dangers so that we can take steps to mitigate them.
Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/technology-0/embracing-technology-boost-national-security
